A Technology Checklist for Facilities Managers

As a Facilities Manager, you know that data is king. Having access to a single source of truth in real time, accessible on all types of devices is critical in running and maintaining your business. FM Technology is a fantastic tool for FMers in asset management, life cycle management, operations and contract management and overall business collaboration. Without it, you are trying to operate a 21st century business environment with 20th century processes - it just doesn't work!
Cloud and mobility based technologies allow you to run your business 24/7; workers are freed up from tactical daily activity that reduces output and hampers performance.
If your objective is to reduce costs, improve efficiency and protect your facility then we suggest that you use this simple checklist. It will help to determine if you have the optimal technology running at your facility.
​Can you control the building’s lighting and security system from your mobile device?
Do you have easy access to reports on energy consumption in the building?
Is reporting on your building energy performance a simple task? Can it help you to make comparisons between different departments of your company?
Are you able to receive email alerts if your security system has been breached?
Do you have remote access to your security cameras on your computer or mobile device?
Can you program various functions of the building to automatically turn on and off as required?
A Facilities Manager having information in real-time gives you the power to make better decisions and take decisive action when required. Technology should be part of the strategic planning of your facility. But, with the pace of technology change in Facilities Management quite high – it’s hard to stay on top of the latest trends.
A complete audit of your current technology is a good first step and actually easier than you might think. At BeyondFM, we can do this for you as part of our FM Technology consultancy stream. We help you see the benefits of enabling technologies, the costs and the risks involved and ultimately - who should "own" the technology.
For more ideas on how you can use technology to improve your facilities operations, we’d be happy to meet with you and provide you some advice. Take advantage of this and give us a call today at
+61 (0) 403 842 480 of contact us here